Brad Kubick
Senior Associate

Brad Kubick joined Flagship Pioneering after completing the 2018 Flagship Pioneering Fellowship. He works across the life cycle of emerging ventures, including exploration of new opportunities, launch of new start-ups, and innovation within existing companies of the Flagship ecosystem.
During graduate school, Brad engineered an intravital imaging system to directly observe the birth and early evolution of cancer cells as they interact with the immune system in live animals. He presented at several conferences, where he leveraged his data to advocate for a paradigm shift toward prophylaxis as the future of oncology.
Since joining Flagship, Brad has become interested in ventures supporting global sustainability. He embraces cross-disciplinary approaches to problem solving, particularly harnessing advances in the tech fields to study and manipulate biology.
Brad did his undergraduate work at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign where he earned high distinction while studying neural regeneration in planarian flatworms. He earned his doctorate in Cell Biology, Stem Cells, & Development at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus.